Last Updated on July 23, 2021 by Afsar

Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 is a popular sit-in recreational kayak with basic and necessary features. With excellent design and durable material, this kayak offers great features, efficiency, and performance on the water. Who doesn’t like a kayak which offers excellent value and comes at a low price? KL Industries Sun Dolphin Aruba 10’ SS sit-in kayak is a very popular sit-in kayak. This is an example of how well a kayak can be crafted and engineered at such a cheap price. The durability and low weight make it quite popular.


Sun Dolphin Aruba 10
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00H35ZSXE&Format= SL110 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=kayakbase 20ir?t=kayakbase 20&l=li1&o=1&a=B00H35ZSXESun Dolphin Aruba sit-in Kayak is a fantastic choice for kayaking in lakes and rivers. Aruba 10 is a recreational kayak with a very competitive price and plenty of features. Shop now at


What Type of Kayak is it?

Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 Kayak is a mid-priced recreational sit-in kayak. Sun Aruba 10 is primarily used for recreational purposes. You can use Aruba 10 on lakes and rivers. If you want, you can use this kayak for fishing also. However, that would require you to install proper fishing gear.

Who will be benefitted from this kayak?

Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 is popular for being a cheap recreational kayak. This kayak is an excellent option for both newbie and professionals. Note that, this is a great option for children.

Since it has a good combination of speed and tracking, you can easily paddle on the lake and mild rivers. This kayak will be an excellent choice for a beginner, children, and occasional kayakers.

Construction and Material

Aruba 10 SS kayak comes with durable and sturdy construction. With the help of using high-density polyethylene, Sun Dolphin Aruba 10’ SS sit-in kayak becomes a durable, sturdy and strong kayak.

If you are an average user and don’t pressure the kayak with anything, Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 will survive for a very long time. Fortiflex with UV inhibitor ensures the kayak to be fine on the hot sun.


Sun Dolphin Aruba sit-in Kayak 10-Feet

Rugged UV-stabilized Fortiflex High-Density Polyethylene is used to make Aruba 10

Hull Design

Sun Dolphin Aruba has been optimized for optimum tracking and turning. Usually, a kayak will have less maneuverability if the tracking is high and vice versa. For recreational kayakers, it is a good option to have balanced tracking and maneuverability. The hull design of Sun dolphin allows it to have an optimum tracking and turning. Thus, you will have moderate speed and maneuverability.

The hull design of Aruba 10 offers optimum tracking and maneuverability.


Comfort and Stability

This kayak is focused on providing good comfort while keeping an eye on stability. Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 is famous for being a recreational kayak, and it proves it on the water too. You can easily roam on the lake or mild river or the backyard pond and relax.


Sun Dolphin Aruba SS 10-Foot Sit-in Kayak

This kayak has been designed to provide the necessary stuff to make the kayaking experience better. Excellently crafted comfortable & adjusted seats, adjustable foot braces, protective thigh pads are provided for better comfort.


You can take full benefits of this adjustable deluxe seat provided by Aruba 10 kayak. With the help of the high back support, fatigue can’t catch you.


The adjustable foot braces help you to adjust your leg. Different sized people can ride this kayak. By adjusting your leg, you can feel comfortable and ride for a long time.

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This kayak comes with a convenient storage hatch. You can keep the necessary gears on that storage. Even though it is not big storage, but essential to keep your phone, snacks, and other stuff.

However, if you need more storage, you can add an extra storage too. The PAC or portable accessory carrier can be used as a backpack or a storage compartment. If you want extra waterproof storage, use best dry bags.


Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 Kayak



Usually, a recreational kayak will cost you a lot, but thanks to the manufacturer to make Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 an affordable kayak. This is a very budget friendly sit-in kayak. Check the price at Amazon.


Bonus Features

  • Water bottle holder
  • Paddle holder
  • Shock cord deck rigging
  • Dry storage compartment


  • Wide cockpit for easy entry and out. The wide cockpit allows you to get in or out from the Aruba 10 easily
  • Adjustable foot braces: Adjust and sit properly for a smooth and long ride
  • Deluxe adjustable seat: The seat can be adjusted to make you feel comfortable. (Check more kayak seats)
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to carry handle allows you to move it easily
  • Spray deflector collar
  • Storage hatch to keep necessary gears and stuff
  • Water bottle holder
  • Hull design provides optimum tracking and maneuverability
  • Appropriate for all ages
  • Compact design
  • Perfect for the lake, mild river, and creek too
  • Excellent value for the price


  • The cockpit is so large that some water might flow in
  • No drain plugs

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